
Sail the Seven Cs, LLC © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 

Sail the Seven C'S, LLC



Don't we frequently think I will be happy when?

When we get that job, promotion, married, kids, bigger home, better car, recognition, reputation, admiration, retirement, death?

Aren't we constantly striving but never arriving, as the more we chase, the more there is to get, to accomplish?

When and what will ever be enough?


Why not choose to simplify everything in our life, letting go the notion that we need this or that, something or someone outside ourselves, for our happiness?

Don't we already have everything we need to be complete, at peace this very moment?

Doesn't life move easier the less we struggle to achieve or acquire, and the less we must take care of?

Aren't we already worthy enough, good enough, worthy of love right now?

Isn't less in fact more?  Can we simply be happy?

"Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration.  Therefore, no peace was to be had unless we could find a means of reducing these demands."

-- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions